
Da Urdu Translation Unveiled in ECI

Da Urdu Translation Unveiled in ECI
The unveiling ceremony of the Urdu Translation of the book entitled "Da" was held on May 20, 2015 at the ECO Cultural Institute in presence of Sayedeh Zahra Hosseini, the narrator of the book.

The event was attended by Iftikhar Husain Aref, the President of ECO Cultural Institute, Houjatul Islam Karimi, interpreter of the Holy Qura'n and Member of Faculty of the Imam Hussein (AS) University, Ali Mohammad Sabeghi, Director General for Asia- Pacific Affairs, Farhad Falahat Pisheh, Director General for International Organizations, Ms. Hejazi, Director General for Women's Affairs and Ali Dehgahi, Director of Translation Center of the Communications Islamic Culture and relations, Mohsen Momeni Sharif, Head of Art Department of Islamic Development Organization, Alireza Ghazveh, Director of Literary Creations Center and Ms. Hoseinnjani, Director of Translation Center of Art Department of Islamic Development Organization, Mohammad Kiyoumarsi, Member of Foreign Languages Faculty of Tehran University representatives of the Embassies of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan in Tehran and a group of Urdu language students from Tehran University.

At the outset, Iftikhar Husain Arif, the President of ECO Cultural Institute, referring to the importance of Sacred Defense and its deep roots in the Islamic Republic of Iran stated that "The book is considered one of the most important and impressive books in Sacred Defense literature." He continued, "Da, is a different narration of the Sacred Defense, reprinted many times, which indicates the popularity of this book among readers of various strata of society." Arif added: "on wars, many stories have been written, but I have to say that this account of the sacred defense is unique and unparalleled."

Then, Mohsen Momeni Sharif, Head of Art Department of Islamic Development Organization, extended his gratitude to the ECO Cultural Institute for organization of the function and said: "during wars, a nation usually reveals its character and the Iranians revealed their true character in the eight years of sacred defense." In part of his speech, he referred to the statements of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Sacred Defense literature and said: "Our Supreme Leader stated that with such kind of literature, the country won't need foreign literature."

The next lecturer, Ali Mohammad Sabeghi, Director General for Asia- Pacific Affairs of Culture and Islamic Relations Organization, expressed that he has been crying while reading through the book. He said: "I was in tears, feeling proud of the nation who defends its territory and no obstacle hinders them." He informed the event of the new translations of the book in other languages and said: "So far, the book has been translated into English, Chinese, Spanish and Urdu and we hope to translate it in the other languages as well."

Ms. Hejazi, Director General for Women's Affairs of Culture and Islamic Relations Organization, referring to the compilation of the book, said: "I congratulate the women of my country. The women, many of whom like the narrator of the book Da, continued to resist losing their homeland during the Sacred Defense."

Ms. Hoseinnjani, Director of Translation Center of Art Department of Islamic Development Organization also commented on the book and said: "The day I read the book, I guessed it will be world-famous one day. I think that the world received the book very well due to the sincerity of the narrator in her resistance. "

Further, Ali Dehgahi, Director of Translation Center of the Communications Islamic Culture and relations said "Da, is about war, but a war different than all other wars through the world. This book is one of the ever-lasting works of literature on the Sacred Defense. "He added: "Dedication, resistance and solidity were the theme of the Sacred Defense. The war was the longest war of the last century. The book is a living history of the war."

Later, Alireza Ghazveh, Director of Literary Creations Center of the Islamic Development Organization, referring to two concepts of literature and operation in the Sacred Defense, said: "Da, will make the world cry for that. If there was no such literature through our 8 year-old war, our military operations could be overlooked. "He added: "At no war but the Sacred Defense, forty-four countries allied against Iran while we did not lose even the smallest part of our territory."

Mohammad Kiyoumarsi, Member of Foreign Languages Faculty of Tehran University, in his remarks about the book said: "Different cultures of communities are transmitted through translation. Urdu fiction has been advanced over the 19th and 20th centuries and renowned novelists have emerged. But the book has been composed in a different style and the author has been well able to express her feelings and emotions. " Remarking that translation definitely cannot transmit the whole concept of the original text, he hoped that the translation will be a platform for transmission of the culture of Sacred Defense to the other countries.

Houjatul Islam Karimi, interpreter of the Holy Qura'n and Member of Faculty of the Imam Hussein (AS) University also stated that:" it could be a great idea if a footnote containing Quranic verses could be added to the pages of the book. Line by line, the book conveys jihad verses. The verses which refer to martyrdom. "

The Lecturers also emphasized on the fact that the great position of book among Iranian and non-Iranian audience is largely due to the efforts, enthusiasm, initiative and writing style of Ms. Sayedeh Azam Hosseini, compiler and editor of the book, who is absent from the function.

Finally, Sayedeh Zahra Hosseini, the narrator of the book, read out a piece of poetry in memory of the martyrs of the Sacred Defense and described part of her memories of the Sacred Defense. She noted that despite all the pain and suffering caused by years of war, we are in our martyrs' debt. The martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the prime of youth to defend their homeland.

At conclusion, certificates of appreciation by the ECO Cultural Institute were awarded to the lecturers.



May 22, 2015 10:53
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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