
ECI Executive Committee Meeting Held by Participation of ECO Member States Cultural Representatives

ECI Executive Committee Meeting
ECI Executive Committee Meeting Held by Participation of ECO Member States Cultural Representatives
The Executive Committee Meeting of the ECO Cultural Institute was held on Wednesday 15 July 2015 at the Institute's Headquarters, attended by the Cultural Representatives of the ECO Member States.

The meeting was presided by Dr. Jabbari, ECI Executive Director, and Cultural Representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan participated in the session along with the delegates from the ECI four member countries, i.e., Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Mr. Falahat Pishesh, Director General of International Affairs, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization represented Iran.

The Executive Director elaborated on the ECI activities conducted in 2015 and briefed the meeting on the planned programs in upcoming months and ways of expanding cultural cooperation within the region and between ECI and ECO Member States.

The Cultural Representatives extended their gratitude to the Institute for its activities and hoped to have a closer cooperation with ECI in the future to help it fulfil its objectives in the region.



Jul 17, 2015 08:30
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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