
Uzbekistan celebrates 533 anniversary of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

Uzbekistan celebrates 533 anniversary of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur
Every year on February 14 in all parts of Uzbekistan celebrates the birthday of the great statesman, poet and writer of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur holds an honorable place in the galaxy of world luminaries of science, culture, art, and socio-political activity. He was born in 1483, February 14, in Andijan (Uzbekistan). His father, Umar Sheikh Mirza, Arnir Timur's grandson, was the ruler of Ferghana region. His mother, KutJugh Nigarkhanum, was Yunuskhan's daughter, the ruler of Tashkent. He was educated at the court, since early childhood he was interested in science and poetry. His mentor was Khoja Mavlono Kalon, the famous scientist and thinker.

Tomb of Babur Sha'h in Kabul

Babur was very fond of Kabul. Pleasant weather of Kabul encouraged him to construct a large garden in western part of the city, on the slopes of " Sher Darwaza " mountain, which was named after him "Bagh-e Babur" (Garden of Babur). After rehabiliation in recent years, the Garden has been registered as UNESCO World Heritage.

Kabul was the favorite city of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur to be buried in. He was so fond of Kabul that he willed to his relatives, to move his body to Kabul, wherever he passes away. As per his request, his son, Sha'h Homayoun, ordered to move his body from India to Kabul and entomb in upper part of Garden of Babur. The proceedings of moving Babur's body to Kabul, is engraved on his white marble gravestone and walls of the tomb in Persian.

Today, "Bagh-e Babur" is a destination for sightseeing and Kabul citizens and tourists who visit the Garden, go to Babur's tomb as well.


Contribution to the World Civilization

Babur-name is the pearl of Babur's written heritage, priceless historical and literary work that brought him a worldwide fame. Babur is one of the greatest masters of belles-letters, who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek literature and world civilization. His scientific and literary legacy, especially a unique encyclopedic work entitled "Babur-name" containing valuable information on history, geography, ethnography, flora and fauna, people, languages and the way of life of the population of Central Asia, Afghanistan, India in the late XV­XVI centuries still arouses a worldwide great interest.

Immortal literary, artistic, scientific and historical works by Babur withstood the test of time and went down in history as the world cultural heritage of Uzbek people. After the independence of Uzbekistan, his works took on a new life and continue to serve to the cause of spiritual enrichment and education of a person. Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur's creative work, entering the golden fund of the world culture, has become worthy of historical heritage and pride of Uzbek nation.

Babur's scientific and historical and literary works were translated into dozens of languages across the world. A great interest in the creative legacy of great son of Uzbek people has not been banished for centuries. He is studied by researchers from different countries, he is the subject of hundreds of scientific papers, artworks and films, several museums have been opened in his honor.


The main scientific-literary heritage Babur-name - Memoirs

Risolai harb - a treatise on military campaigns Divani Babur - a collection of poems Mubayyin - a treatise on Fiqh

Treatise on Aruz - a treatise on poetic metrics

Ratti Boburi - one of the variants of the Arabic alphabet for the U zbek language

Risolai Musiqa - a treatise on music

Risolai volidiya - translation of philosophical and Sufi writings by Khoja Ahrar into the Uzbek language



Feb 22, 2016 16:37
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
Number of visit : 442


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