
Meeting of ECI President with the Ambassador of Hunary

Meeting of ECI President with the Ambassador of Hunary
At the invitation of H.E. Mr. János Kovács, the ambassador of Hungary in Iran, Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Mazaheri, the ECI President, met him at the embassy premises.

According to ECI Public Relations, on October 8, 2018, Dr. Mazaheri, the ECI President, met and talked with H.E. Mr. János Kovács, the ambassador of Hungary in Iran. While welcoming the ECI President, the Hungarian ambassador pointed out to the rich arts and cultural history of Iran and said "Hungary has representatives in all ECO Member States and mutual activities are taking place". He expressed hope that such cooperation is established with ECO Cultural Institute as well.

At the meeting, Dr. Mazaheri also pointed to smooth experience of cooperation in holding film weeks of other countries at ECI and said: "In the framework of cultural diplomacy, we are ready to organize joint programs in different areas of arts, culture, literature, architecture, cinema and music."

He further stated that ECI can mount a photo exhibition of Hungary's tourist attractions including its mineral water springs at ECO Diplomatic Art Gallery. He further said that participation at Hungary's film festival as and international book fair are other possible areas of joint cooperation with this country.

The meeting concluded with ambassador János Kovács's expression of readiness to cooperate with ECI. He further noted that he will soon visit ECI headquarters to get better acquainted with the organization and its facilities.




Oct 29, 2018 11:16
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
Number of visit : 511


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