
New series of ‘ECO Times' Published

New series of ‘ECO Times' Published
Issue 27 of the ECO Cultural Institute's English-language journal ‘ECO Times' was released after six years of interruption.

Considering the key role of tourism in promoting better understanding among individuals and societies around the world and creating a deep public awareness of the rich heritage of various civilizations; development of tourism as one of the most important mediums for sustainable development in the region is one of the main objectives of the ECO Cultural Institute in the chapter of its activities.

Therefore, the ECO Cultural Institute decided to publish the new series of ECO Times magazine with the approach to promote tourism in the member countries. The magazine mainly intends to introduce the tourism potentials of the member states, their historic monuments, matchless nature, unique culture of hospitality and cultural relations of the ECO region as one of the richest regions of the world in terms of historical and cultural heritage which has also been the birthplace to several major global civilizations.

Since the development of sustainable tourism is also considered an essential element for the preservation of the cultural heritage, this issue of the ‘ECO Times' magazine deals with ‘Heritage tourism in the ECO region', covering but few of the thousands of masterpieces of ancient architecture in the region. Future issues of the magazine cover issues such as Ecotourism, food tourism, sports tourism, cultural tourism, and so on.

‘ECO Times' (ISSN 2008-5451) is the English-language, arts, cultural and tourism magazine of the ECO Cultural Institute, with its extensive regional and international distribution, delivers the message of rich culture of the region to key decision-making authorities including government ministries, diplomatic officials, universities, Scientific centers, museums and libraries of the ten ECO member countries as well as other relevant international organizations.




Nov 10, 2018 12:10
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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