
"Culture is the Basis & Foundation of Regional Co-op", ECI President

"Culture is the Basis & Foundation of Regional Co-op", ECI President
Sarvar Bakhti met and talked with H.E. Askhat Orazby, Kazakhstan ambassador to Iran.

According to ECI public relations, at the meeting Sarvar Bakhti, the ECI president, highlighted that ECO Cultural Institute is the cultural abode of all the regional nations and the embassy of Kazakhstan can utilize the Institute's capacities to present the cultural commonalities of Kazakhstan to other regional countries. He further continued: "Culture is the basis and foundation of regional cooperation and we will use culture to further strengthen the political and economic relations".
Next, H.E. Askhat Orazby congratulated Sarvar Bakhti and said: "There are so much commonalities in history, religion and culture among the ECO countries and the embassy of Kazakhstan is willing to expand its relation with ECI and other member states".
At the end, Orazby proposed organizing several programs to honor the luminaries of the region.

Jan 14, 2020 11:44
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
Number of visit : 486


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