
ECI President Meets the Iranian Minister of Culture

ECI President Meets the Iranian Minister of Culture
The ECI president and the Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance met on May 5, 2020.

At the meeting attended by deputies minister for cultural and art affairs as well as the head of Cinema Foundation and Director General of the Minister's Office, Mr. Sarvar Bakhti deliberated upon ECI's aims and visions for planning and accomplishing programs during the fresh chapter of ECI's activities and pointed out that the development of cultural cooperation on international level is one of the priorities in his plan of activities. Furthermore, he briefed the meeting about the ongoing projects being carried out at ECI in the areas of publications and cultural programs.
Elsewhere at the meeting, Mr. Abbas Salehi, the Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, welcomed the new ECI president and highlighted the importance and standing of ECO as well as ECI from different aspects such as common history, civilization and religion. Moreover, he underlined the significance of culture as a soft tool for the promotion of politics and economy and a driving force behind them.
The Minister then underscored that the extensive potentials of this cultural organization should be utilized to better illustrate the culture and civilization of the peoples of this region not only for themselves but for those living outside the ECO region. Continuing his remarks, Salehi further expressed hope that during the current tenure, the level of international cooperation would be well promoted and be replete with innovative ideas.
He then recommended that ECI might continuously interact with the different offices of Ministry's deputies for arts, culture and cinema affairs in areas of printing, publishing, exhibitions, festivals, visual arts, music, performing arts, movie and theater so that worthwhile joint projects could be organized.

May 10, 2020 09:57
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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