
Message of ECI President on the Occasion of Khayyam Day

Message of ECI President on the Occasion of Khayyam Day
On the Occasion of Commemoration of Hakim Omar Khayyam (May 17)

Khayyam Neyshabouri is acknowledged the East and West as a mathematician, astronomer and philosopher and his treasured services in these fields have been widely recognized. Yet it was after the translation of his quatrains (Rubaiyyat) into English by Scott Fitzgerald that he became extensively known globally and since then, he has been recognized as a knowledgeable, life-loving poet.

With the support of the prominent Seljuk Grand Vizier, Nizam al-Mulk, and the collaboration of a number of his contemporaries, Khayyam designed the Jalali calendar which is recognized as the most accurate in the world because it has proved entirely reliable without a slightest error even after 900 years since its development.

Khayyam, who has gained worldwide fame with his quatrains, reveals the mysteries of life in his most pleasing quatrains. Through them, he discusses the philosophy of existence and non-existence and passage of time; he ponders upon the meaning of life by means of a enthralling language opulent with subtle allusions, and speaks about wisdom. The essence of his words is that: we must cherish life and enjoy every moment of it. Khayyam was so fortunate to become universally known through the translation of only 40 of his quatrains or more while many of his preceding and succeeding poets, who had composed thousands of verses, failed to attain such popularity.

Today, when the world is struggling with the Corona virus crisis and sometimes fails, the quatrains of this celebrated poet cast the light of hope and desire in our hearts: these trying times shall not endure and soon the sun shall dawn again.

In order to venerate the services that this great sage has rendered in Iran and other ECO countries, several high schools and universities, metro stations and streets and even an asteroid have been named after him.

Dear ones, I would like to congratulate you all on the occasion of the commemoration of this great intellectual, wishing that we could learn from his advices and lighten up our lives.

May light ever shines upon your lives!



May 21, 2020 07:32
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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