
Songs by Azerbaijani Artist in Germany

Songs by Azerbaijani Artist in Germany
The music composed by an artist from the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed in Germany.

According to ECI public relations quoting, the Bridges Orchestra in Germany staged a music concert based on the music composed by Azerbaijani artist Hatica Zinlava. The artist, who has been working in Germany since 2005, has been actively holding concerts in various German cities. In her latest performance, she performed the folk songs "Ey Lachin" and "Bayat-i Shiraz". In an exclusive interview, the artist has said that the event aimed to introduce the arts and culture of Azerbaijan in the world.
The concert inaugural featured Johann Dalkhov, conductor of Bridges Orchestra, who briefly talked about the part of Silk Road running through Azerbaijan. The performance was very appealing to the audience and some pieces of music from Iran, Russia and Mongolia were also performed. Hatica Zinlava has previously performed at several world-famous festivals in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the United States, Canada, Austria, Italy, Turkey, etc.

Jul 8, 2020 10:41
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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