Directed by Kazakh director Darezhan Omirbaev, the movie 'Kairat' will be screened at the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland.
According to ECO Cultural Institute quoting, the film will participate at the 18-year-old, best films category 'Through the Open Doors'.
The movie 'Kairat' was made in 1991 and one year later, it premiered at Locarno Festival where it won the Silver Leopard Award for the director.
'Kairat' is the story of a young man who moves to Almaty, Kazakhstan in order to study and yet, fails to attend university. He looks at girls on public transportation and is embarrassed to approach them ... It is in fact the story of a young man growing up.
The Locarno 2020 will be held online on August 5 - 15, 2020. This edition of the event is contributing to the reopening of local movie theaters, with a line-up of films to be shown in three of the cinemas in Locarno and Muralto.
Along with the Cannes, Berlin and Venice Film Festivals, the Locarno Film Festival is one of the world's most prestigious festivals.