
ECO Cultural Institute Ready to Collaborate in ‘Tehran 1400' Project

At online meeting of Sarvar Bakhti & Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh was announced:
ECO Cultural Institute Ready to Collaborate in ‘Tehran 1400' Project
During a virtual meeting held on October 4, 2020, Sarvar Bakhti and Mr. Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh discussed joint cooperation between the ECO Cultural Institute and the Deputy for Social and Cultural Affairs of Tehran Municipality.

According to ECO Cultural Institute, at the beginning of this virtual meeting, Sarvar Bakhti briefed the participants on ECI's activities in different areas such as commemoration of luminaries, publishing books and magazines, organizing exhibitions of art works by artists of ECO countries as well as holding webinars and virtual training workshops. He then noted: "The vast and populous territory of ECO region boasts of a common culture and civilization and ECO Cultural Institute strives to promote the rich culture and civilization of this region to the peoples of the region and the world".
For his part, Javadi Yeganeh talked about the countless potentials of the ECO region and the desire to establish communication among different cities of the region, calling for the expansion of joint cooperation with the ECO Cultural Institute.
He also pointed to "Tehran 1400" project comprising of a set of cultural, social and artistic projects that are slated to be held internationally, and added: "ECO Cultural Institute can play a substantial role in this respect through making necessary arrangements for the participation of different cities of ECO region in this project."
Concluding his remarks, the Deputy Tehran Mayor for Social and Cultural Affairs said that due to Corona virus pandemic, a major part of the Tehran 1400 project will be organized virtually.
While welcoming cooperation with the Deputy of Social and Cultural Affairs of Tehran Municipality, Sarvar Bakhti said: "ECO Cultural Institute is ready to cooperate with Tehran Municipality for organizing Tehran 1400 project."
It is worth mentioning that in this virtual meeting, the two sides agreed to sign a MoU between the ECO Cultural Institute and the Deputy for Social and Cultural Affairs of the municipality to facilitate cooperation.

Oct 8, 2020 05:57
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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