
ECI President: "Persian Carpet Is Iran's Cultural Flag"

ECI President: "Persian Carpet Is Iran's Cultural Flag"
The president of ECO Cultural Institute, Sarvar Bakhti said that Iran is well-recognized in the world for its handwoven carpet, so Persian Carpet can be considered Iran's cultural flag.

According to ECO Cultural Institute quoting IRNA, Bakhti made these remarks at the inaugural ceremony of specialized export terminal for hand-woven carpets in Tehran and added: "Over the years, Carpet Weaving Industry has developed in many other world countries; however, for the world, Iran is the cradle of handwoven carpet."
Continuing his remarks saying that the world has acknowledged Persian carpet's authenticity, Bakhti noted: "The issue of handicrafts should be taken into consideration along with carpet business". The president of the ECO Cultural Institute further reminded: "The noble art of carpet weaving has evolved over the years and have been handed over from generation to generation. Thus, the culture of carpet weaving and its exquisite motifs have reached today's generation as a treasured legacy."
He then stressed: "ECO Cultural Institute pursues the accomplishment of fundamental objectives among the member countries to facilitate cultural cooperation."
"The ECI member states have consensus over the definition of culture and are endeavoring to create a network among the artists of this industry to enable them communicate and exchange experiences in this regard and even make commercial transactions possible", Bakhti said.
He further pointed out that ECI is examining possibility of the establishment of an International ECO Carpet Center in the Institute, the aim of which is to create a permanent carpet exhibition and store for the ten ECO member states to support their carpet weavers."

Oct 11, 2020 09:40
موسسه فرهنگی اکو |
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