Sarvar Bakhti, ECO Cultural Institute President, extended his warm congratulations to Hadi Soleimanpour, the Economic Cooperation Organization Secretary General, On the occasion of the ECO Day, 28 November, in which the establishment of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is marked.
The message reads as follows:
As the President of ECO Cultural Institute (ECI), it is a matter of great honor and privilege to express my heartiest congratulation to your Excellency on the occasion of ECO Day.
It is an auspicious occasion for all of us to celebrate the establishment of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) which has promoted closer association and cooperation among the great nations of the region over three decades. I have the pleasure to assure your Excellency that we at ECI, will make every effort to contribute towards the blossoming of cultural relations among the ECO member states.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
The ECI President also congratulated his counterparts in the ECO Educational Institute and the ECO Science Foundation on the same occasion and announced readiness for future joint cooperation.