
Young Afghan Leaders’ Gathering Held in Kabul

Young Afghan Leaders’ Gathering Held in Kabul
A gathering of Young Afghan Leaders entitled “Pieces of Peace” which was attended by 130 young girls and boys from 12 provinces and representatives of Afghan immigrants from the United States, Australia and Germany has been held at the Continental Hotel in Kabul by the Artlords institute.

According to the ECO Cultural News quoting Tolo News, The participants of gathering organized various programs under the name of "Let's talk" in their province over the past year in which they shared the role of different young people in discourses, street paintings, exhibitions.
The young participants traveled to each other's provinces and got to know each other's work, life, language and culture closely and answered many of their questions.
In this gathering, essential and favorite programs of the youth that are important for today and tomorrow, such as security, peace and war, ceasefire, intra-Afghan talks, the economic situation of the country and families, youth employment, improving the quality of education, mental and physical conditions, mental and physical abuse, the victims and the wounds of the people and the near distant future of themselves and their country were discussed.
In this forum, the above issues were also discussed and exchanged online with the youth of Colombia, Sri Lanka, USA and Switzerland.

Jan 27, 2021 06:33
Number of visit : 538


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