
Kazakhstan Useful Information

Kazakhstan Useful Information
Kazakhstan is situated in Central Asia between 45° and 87° of East longitude, 40° and 55° of North latitude, deep in the Eurasian continent. With its territory of 2,724,900 sq km, it is the second largest among the CIS states and the ninth place in the world after Russia, China, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India and Australia. Kazakhstan borders China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation and the Caspian Sea. The territory of the Republic stretches from Volga River in the West to the foothills of the Altai Mountains in the East, from West Siberian lowland in the North to the desert of Kyzylkum and the mountainrange of Tien Shan in the South. Kazakhstan is an ethnically diverse republic which gained independence from the former Soviet Union on December 16, 1991. The name Kazakh, which is of Turkic origin, is thought to mean "free man"; an appropriate moniker for a land historically populated by freedom-loving nomads. For thousands of years, these nomads tended vast cattle herds, pasture lands and the fertile soils of the region's foothills and river valleys. Both the historic Silk Road and Sable Route, along which expensive furs were transported, passed through the region making Kazakhstan an important cultural, trade and economic bridge between Asia and Europe. Despite being the ninth largest country in the world, Kazakhstan remains, for many people, an unknown and enigmatic place. Even the well-travelled visitors will find many fascinations in Kazakhstan: mountain peaks covered with snow, vast highlands, deep rivers, parched deserts, endless fields covered with flowers and virgin forest reserves. Kazakhstan's natural beauty is outstanding.
Much emphasis is placed on the preservation of the country's many natural reserves, national parks and their unique landscapes, fauna and flora. Kazakhstan is an excellent ecodestination. It is unspoiled, varied and beautiful. It is not necessary to search the entire world for fascinating tradition, beautiful, pristine nature or a delicate mixture of old and modern: simply visit Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan guests are made welcome as they experience the very heart of Eurasia.
اطلاعات مفید قزاقستان
As summers are ferociously hot and winters bitterly cold, spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) are the best seasons to visit Kazakhstan. In April the desert blooms briefly and the monotonous ochre landscapes explode in reds, oranges and yellows. Autumn is harvest time, when market tables heave with freshly picked fruit. If you do decide to battle the winter, be aware that many domestic flights are grounded and finding food can be a problem since lots of eateries close for the season.
May 17, 2021 08:43
Number of visit : 688


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