
International media forum: Developing international dialog

International media forum: Developing international dialog
International media forum “Regional dialog with participation of political scientists and journalists” was held in the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan.
According to ECO Cultural Institute, quoting, the event, which was organized at the initiative of Turkmen side, is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence and 25th anniversary of neutrality of the Motherland as well as proclamation of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust according to the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, which was supported and unanimously adopted by the UN state members at the proposal of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Representatives of national mass media as well as lecturers of higher educational institutes as well as representatives of leading new agencies accredited in our country took part in the forum, which was held in mixed format.
Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Hadi Suleimanpur, Secretary General of Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking states Bagdad Amreev, heads and representatives of Interstate TV and Radio Company “Mir”, Russian International Network of TV News Channels “Russia Today”, National TV and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, Republican Agency for Publishing and Mass Communication “Tatmedia”, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation, National State TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus, News Day Georgia Magazine (Georgia), System of TV and Radio Broadcasting (KSB), the Republic of Korea and other took part in the forum.
As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his recent interview to Interstate TV and Radio Company “Mir”, this initiative has become an outcomes of objective and fair analysis of international situation.
According to the requests of the head of Turkmen State, big work is carried out for improvement of the knowledge level of personnel of national mass media in the sphere of modern digital technologies, study and active application of practice of other countries for development of international journalism.
In this regard, special attention is paid to cooperation with foreign mass media as qualitative informational provision and exchange of truthful information are necessary conditions for stable economic growth, expansion of multidimensional cooperation between the states and rapprochement of the people on the planet.
Having expressed gratitude for organization of Regional dialog, leading international experts and representatives of national and foreign mass media demonstrated their interest in strengthening of established relations, having highlighted the necessity of systematic meetings.



Aug 16, 2021 10:23
Number of visit : 681


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