
Inscription of Arslantepe Mound to the UNESCO World Heritage List

Inscription of Arslantepe Mound to the UNESCO World Heritage List
The nomination of Arslantepe Mound to the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has been inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List during the ongoing Extended 44th UNESCO World Heritage Committee online session in Fuzhou, China.
Arslantepe has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage Tentative List of Turkey since 2014. With a history dating back to almost 6 thousand years ago, Arslantepe Mound is accepted to be a religious and cultural centre where first known early state structure emerged in Turkish geography.
The number of inscribed sites of Turkey on UNESCO World Heritage List has reached to 19 with the adoption of the Arslantepe Mound.
Sep 9, 2021 16:07
Number of visit : 571


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