In September 2022, the "Literary Festival on the Great Silk Road" will be held in Tashkent and Bukhara. The organizers of this event will be the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Tourism and Sports, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in London and the administration of the Literary Festival on the Great Silk Road.
It is expected that the festival will be attended by foreign writers who have created works on the history and culture of Central Asia, publishers, literary agents and booksellers, as well as writers and poets of Uzbekistan.
The purpose of the festival is to expand the literary platform in foreign editions of Europe for the works of Uzbek masters of the word, to familiarize the foreign reader with the rich literary and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan, its traditions and customs, and today's life.
The festival is planned to be held annually in one of the countries located on the Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan will be the first host country of this festival.
From the British side, the administration of the literary festival "Shute Festival", the Asian Literary Agency, the Royal Society for Asian Affairs and the British Council will participate in the organization of the festival.
More than 20 events will be held as part of the Literary Festival on the Great Silk Road. These are literary debates, presentations of new books, seminars on current topics. The festival will cover the issues of literary translation, the traditions of Uzbek literature, the publication of works by Uzbek authors in publishing houses of European countries, the development of the publishing business in modern conditions.