
Tashkent hosted an international scientific videoconference dedicated to the 686th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur

Tashkent hosted an international scientific videoconference dedicated to the 686th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur
Iranian historians took part in an international scientific videoconference dedicated to the 686th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur, organized by the Institute of History of the Academies of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
The conference was also attended by foreign historians from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Professor of the Islamic Azad University of Tehran Akbar Rafiei delivered his report on the topic "Historical sources of the Temurids period in Iranian funds" at a videoconference. According to him, in the work of Hassan Jafari, written in persian language, it is reported that during the reign of the Temurids, the territory of Iran, in particular the province of Yazd, rapidly developed and prospered. No period can compare with the development of this city during the reign of Shakhrukh Mirzo. According to the source, under the Timurids, about ten thousand houses, baths, caravanserais, madrasahs, mosques and parks were built and restored in this region.
According to Akbar Rafiei, the book "Chronicles of Hasani", written by Tajiddin Hussein ibn Shakhab Yazdi, is one of the reliable historical sources written during the Temurids period. The first page of this work begins with a poem praising Sultan Muhammad Mirzo Temur. Another chapter in the next part is devoted to the period after the death of Amir Temur. The book also includes the story "Mironshah Mirzo and his children". The last chapters of the work are devoted to the ministers and emirs who served at the court of the Temurids at that time.
The Iranian historian also shared information about the reign of the Temurids in Mozandaran in the book of the famous persian historian Zakhriddin Marashi "Torikhe Tabariston, Royan and Mazandaran".
“In this work, Zakhriddin Marashi sets out the reasons why Sakhibkiran Amir Temur left Movarounnahr (Transoxanien) and moved to Khorasan and Mazandaran. This manuscript containing historical events is one of the most valuable and important sources,” the iranian researcher said.
It should be noted that at the beginning of this year Professor Akbar Rafiei published a book on the occasion of the 686th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur, entitled "Political and Social History of the Timurids Period."
The work describes the period of the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids, when great positive changes took place not only in Turan, but also in a number of countries, including Iran. A.Rafiei tried to cover in detail in his book the major reforms carried out by the Temurids.
According to Akbar Rafiei, the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids was one of the most prosperous periods in the Islamic world, as well as in the history of Iran.
Apr 18, 2022 14:31
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