
Kandahar Historical Sites to be Add In The World Cultural Heritage List: MoIC

Kandahar Historical Sites to be Add In The World Cultural Heritage List: MoIC
The Afghan Acting Information and Culture Minister, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, visited Kandahar including the Naranj Palace and Ahmad Shah Baba house in Kandahar during his trip. Khairkhwa, While visiting Kandahar, stressed the rehabilitation of two famous heritage in Kandahar the Naranj Palace and Ahmed Shah Baba’s house. He called the international institutions to add the Naranj Palace and Ahmad Shah Baba’s house to the world cultural heritages list and to cooperate in the maintenance and Preservation of the two valuable heritages. ECI reports, citing Bakhtar News.
Oct 27, 2022 12:04
Number of visit : 338


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