The film ‘Fortune’ directed by Muhiddin Muzaffar, the Tajik cinematographer, was shown at Fajr International Film Festival.
According to the ECO Cultural Institute, the film which depicts the social life of the Tajik people in the 1990s and the post-Soviet era was directed by Muhiddin Muzaffar and was produced by "Tajik Film" company and "Sugdsima" Institute.
The film ‘Fortune’ also won both "Best Film" and "Best Actor" awards at the Kolkata International Film Festival, India.
After the screening of his film at Ferdowsi Hall of Tehran Cinema Museum, Muzaffar said: “In 2013, I attended the Fajr Film Festival as a guest and the passion I saw in the cinematographers at this festival made me completely leave the theater and start directing movies.”
He continued: “Fajr Film Festival is special and important for me because it directed my thoughts towards cinema. In order to produce the film “Fortune”, for the Fajr Film Festival this year, I have been thinking from the beginning to make a film that will represent Tajik cinema internationally, and I hope this goal will be achieved.”
Muhiddin Muzaffar said: “I thank the organizers of the Fajr Film Festival and the Cinema Museum for providing an opportunity to screen the film for Iranian audiences and other filmmakers from other countries. I believe that such festivals provide a special space for young people to show others the ideas they portrayed in their films.”
He pointed out: “We are returning to our country with new ideas and experiences from Iran, and another very good thing is that the film was shown in the Cinema Museum, which has a very beautiful historical building, and in a hall with a special and attractive ceiling architecture. I think it is good for every country to have such a historical building in their cities.”
Muhiddin Muzaffar stated: “The treasures of dear masters, who are not among us today, exist inside the building of the Cinema Museum, and looking at their photos and awards is a source of pride.”