Iranian cinema director Behrouz Sabtrasoul, who recently finished the production of the film "Melody" -Joint production of Iran and Tajikistan-, announced the introduction of this film by the Tajik cinema to the Oscar Academy.
According to Tehran Times, this film is a A co-production between Iran and Tajikistan, the film is set to be submitted to the international feature film award at the 2024 Oscars. He continued: The global release of the film has also started, but Tajik cinema has chosen this film to be represented at the Oscars 2024. Simultaneously with this selection, we have also started the process of the film's presence in foreign festivals, which can gain higher points by participating in foreign events.
The director of "Melodi" said about the joint production of this film with the country: "Tajikistan, as soon as they read the script, were attracted to its subject and declared their readiness for production." We also plan international festivals for the domestic release of the film.