The short film "Roya" written, directed and produced by Mohammad Reza Mohammadi won the award of the 5th edition of Shortfundly India's annual international short film competition.
In the final stage of the event, Roya competed with nine other films from India and France and received the award for the best screenplay of the festival, which ended last week.
This film, which is a joint production of Iran and Afghanistan Youth Cinema Association, shows an Afghan couple who face catastrophic problems on the way to illegal immigration to Europe. "Dream" produced in 2022 has participated in several international festivals including the 72nd Montecatini Short Film Festival in Italy, the 4th Cincin Film Festival in India, the 8th Wag Film Festival in Italy and the 30th Euroshorts Festival in Poland. The film is scheduled to participate in four more festivals in India, Brazil, France and America later this year.