
Abdul Salam, the Pakistani Nobel Prize Winner

Abdul Salam, the Pakistani Nobel Prize Winner
Mohammad Abdul Salam is a Pakistani genius whose name will forever remain in Pakistan and the world.
Dr. Mohammad Abdul Salam is a person whose name appears in the list of the world’s great physicists and among the Nobel Prize winners, and shows the world a true picture of the face of the great Pakistani scientists.
January 29 is the birthday of the great Pakistani scientist Dr. Mohammad Abdul Salam. The scientist whose name became the headline of the domestic and foreign media in 1979 for the news of receiving the Nobel Prize. He is the first Pakistani and the second Muslim after Anwar Sadat to win the Nobel Prize.
Dr. Mohammad Abdul Salam won the highest award in physics for his work on the discovery of a unit for electromagnetic force and a weak nuclear force called Weak Electromagnetic Interaction. 
Feb 2, 2021 21:03
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