The short film “My Birthday Celebration” by Sara Farhangdoost has been selected for the International Children’s Rights Film Festival in Turkey.
According to the ECO Cultural Institute, quoting Borna News Agency, the short film “My Birthday Celebration” by Sara Farhangdoost has been qualified for the ninth edition of the International Children’s Rights Film Festival in Turkey.
The festival aims to raise awareness about children’s rights and the violation of their rights, as well as to help produce and display works of art and culture in this regard.
The ninth edition of the International Children’s Rights Film Festival will be held online from November 20th to 27th due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
“My Birthday Celebration” won the Best Child Actor Award at the New York Index Film Festival in February 2020, and also screened at the third edition of the TAOBA Tbilisi International Youth Film Festival.
The actors of this short film include Baran Waqar, Afsoon Delkhah, Babak Ghaderi, Mona Rastegar, Sajjad Mohammadi, Akram Khosravi, Maiko Mohammadyari (Pamershiba).
Other people involved include Sara Farhangdoost, director, Sara Farhangdoost and Behrooz Omidiazad, producers, and Keyvan Shabani, director of photography.