
Reviewed at int`l conference hosted by the ECO Cultural Institute:

"Rumi's Notion of Humanity"

"Rumi's Notion of Humanity"
News> Iran- On October 4, 2021, ECO Cultural Institute held the international conference "An Overview of Rumi's System of Thought" with the participation of researchers and scholars from ECO member countries to mark Rumi and Shams Tabrizi Commemoration Day.
According to the ECO Cultural Institute, at the opening of this virtual meeting, Mr. Sarvar Bakhti, president of the ECO Cultural Institute, while reviewing Rumi's thoughts and works, said: "Rumi composed "Masnavi Manavi", "Divan Kabir", "Fih Ma Fih" and several valuable books and treatise which shine on the peak of pure thought in the world".
President of the ECO Cultural Institute continued his remarks emphasizing that today human beings need love and friendship more urgently than ever: "Rumi encourages human beings to live in an atmosphere of purity and intimacy; free from violence and prejudice, which is the secret of the eternity of his thoughts.
Mr. Abdullah Yegin, director of the Yunus Emre Institute of Turkey in Tehran, also declared that although eight hundred years have passed since the birth of Rumi, his thoughts are illuminating the world today and added: "All human beings, regardless of name, position, religion, and nationality have created valuable works on the theme of "human life" based on their findings and perceptions of Rumi's works. Rumi is still alive and is not vanished from the pages of history."
Another speaker of the event, Dr. Shafiqullah Shafiq, a professor at Balkh University said "Rumi`s thought is founded on bio-developmental approach to paradoxes. He maintains a realistic definition of relationships and the confrontation of diversities. Rumi does not avoid contradictions and differences; rather, he attempts to replace the discourse on identity and formalism with a worldview of epistemology and originality. 
Dr. Syeda Faleeha Zahra Kazmi, Chairperson Persian Dept. Lahore College for Women University, in her remarks expressed her gratitude to the president of the ECO Cultural Institute for holding such intimate meeting and introduced translations and interpretations of Masnavi in Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi and Pashto languages including the books "Inspiration of Poetry", "Yousef`s Shirt", "Ashraful Uloom or Chehre Gosha" and "Asrar Nameh", which were edited and published by Pakistani scholars.
Dr. Komiljon Saidolim, Rumi scholar and a university professor from Tajikistan, described poetry program, especially Rumi mystical poetry as a continuation of our ancestors` traditional and mystical poetry and added: "Rumi`s mission is to educate perfect human, to lead man to the right path and salvation from cruelty. In Rumi`s thought, educating man with the spirit of friendship, honesty and solidarity is the most important means of his happiness that always requires to be developed and supervised.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Batool Vaez, Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Allameh Tabatabai University, spoke about Rumi`s discourse system in Rumi. He enumerated the reasons for his special and different terms with other mystics of the contemporary era and before and after him in the difference between Rumi`s mystical experiences, social life, Sufism based on love and other manner, and referred to the three ways of self-made terms and how they were created in Rumi`s Masnavi as "Rumi`s Dualistic thought on creation and the unseen world", "system of thought based on esoteric knowledge" and "the formation and recurrence of terms in the poet's mind".




Dec 5, 2021 10:38
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