
Speech by the head of Mazandaran Chamber of Commerce at Sari 2022 event

Speech by the head of Mazandaran Chamber of Commerce at Sari 2022 event
Referring to the population of 450 million of the ECO member countries, whose annual trade volume is about one thousand billion dollars, and this amount in regional trade exchanges is only 7 billion dollars, the head of the Mazandaran Chamber of Commerce called the Sari 2022 event an opportunity to show Mazandaran's great capabilities, which can increase these exchanges for the province and the country through tourism. Referring to the holding of several handicraft exhibitions and meetings in the field of tourism in the ECO member countries, he called for more serious communication in this sector, because they had the most requests for cooperation in this field.
He declared: “We speak good words, which is true, but for a positive conclusion, we need to implement them. Saying that there are no direct flights to the ECO region countries, Mohajer Darabi added: “We can say we use the tourism capacity only when we use these existing and unique opportunities to create jobs and develop the economy.”
The head of the Mazandaran Chamber of Commerce said: “We must accept that our international tourism is now at zero level; therefore, the private and public sectors should stand together to solve the problems.”
Addressing Ezzatollah Zarghami, Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, Mohajer Darabi said: “Considering the many tourism opportunities in Mazandaran, we request you to explore Mazandaran. This is while 3.5 million travelers enter this province every week, and we did not come to take maximum advantage of this tourism opportunity and God-given capacity (the nature of the province).”
In the end, he announced the readiness of the Mazandaran Chamber of Commerce for the presence of ambassadors and business delegations in the province and stated: “We stand with all our existence beside the ECO member countries’ officials and the people of these countries to use the tourism and economic capacities of the region.”



Oct 13, 2022 13:40
Number of visit : 405


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